Reading …

  • I wait for you O Lord … Psalm 38 vs 15
  • O Lord do not forsake me, be not far from me, O my God, Come quickly to help me. O Lord my Saviour ,,, Psalm 38 vs 21, 22.
  • Promises of God to David …2 Sam 7
    • I will make your name great … vs9
    • I will establish a house and kingdom for you … vs 12
    • The throne of the kingdom will last forever … vs 13
    • My love will never be taken away from him … vs15
  • David's response …
    • How great you are, O Sovereign Lord.There is no one like you and there is no God but you… vs 22


  • Last week Jason started the service telling us that he had given 2023 some thought. He did not tell us if he had made any resolutions, I presume, in case we realize that Mr. Perfect is not so perfect after all.
    • I think for most of us resolutions are a waste of time because they do not work.
  • Yet no good business, of any worth, would skip the annual process of evaluating the year's performance and assessing the prospects for the year to come and then given the circumstances, putting strategies in place to accomplish the results that they desire.
    • If Covid taught us anything it emphasized the importance of this process. 
    • At home load shedding is an inconvenience in business it is a disaster

The past year ….

  • As we face 2023 I'm sure that at least a number of us have given it some thought.
    • The media and commentators, without exception, agree that 2022 was not a good year…
      • It started with Russia invading the Ukraine
        • And the resultant impact on the world's economy
      • With the ANC’s elective conference scheduled for December it was always going to be a tough year politically for President Ramiphosa. 
      • It was Eskom's worst performance ever …
    • For many of us there have been massive personal problems to overcome…
      • Health, financial and relationship problems.
  • Question …How have you responded to 2022 …
    • With Concern or confidence.

Expectations for the year ahead …

  • What are your expectations and hopes for the year 2023…
    • Do you face it with confidence or fear …
  • Politically …
    • As we approach the 2024 general elections we can expect a myriad of promises from all of the political parties. 
  • Internationally …
    • The Ukrainian conflict seems due to carry on for some time to come
      • With its impact on the world economy. 
  • Personally …
    • More importantly, how are you, in all this chaos…  going to cope.
    • In all honesty, is it shaping up to be a prosperous new year? 
  • Can you see that Jason's Idea of looking at your performance during 2022 and planning the way ahead is worth consideration…

Welcome to Cape Town…

  • Let me say this …
    • Cape Town is still the best place in the world.
      • It is beautiful and compared to so many other places it still works.
        • Many big companies are relocating to Cape Town for good reason.
        • I am told that the economy of Cape Town is now greater than Jo'burg
        • Tourism to the Cape far outstrips that of Durban
      • There are still many opportunities to prosper.
    • Your expectations will govern your future actions …
      • In the presence of fear or confidence you act accordingly
      • We will all face different challenges …
        • The challenges, for all, are very real … 
        • How you manage them will determine the outcome. 
  • Who you are will govern how you will act …
    • Young people …Married with small children…Pensioners …
      • But that is where we are …
    • Let's be honest …we would all like to have a prosperous new year.
      • But when that desire starts to rule it can be very problematic. 
    • If you are a Christian then you should react to the challenges in accordance with God's instruction.
  • If you are not a Christian you will act as the world advises and dictates
    • This is brought out very clearly by Jesus… John 8;41-44

How reliable are the forecasts…

  • Petrol price has gone down by R2.06 a litre.
    • A forecast I read says R/$ should be down below R15 by year end. 
    • This bodes well for growth in the economy and jobs.
      • So, based on these forecasts,  do I adjust by investment structures and actions accordingly
  • Interest rates will go up to control inflation …
    • Pensioners are smiling … borrowers are sweating. 
  • There is only one certainty …
    • There is no certainty…
      • These are only forecasts, not fact.
        • Therefore I have to be careful about the future. 

What in this life is certain …

  • Where do I find certainties that I can build on …with confidence.
    • Politicians … promises, promises.
      • No president, king or prime minister has ever fulfilled all his promises …Usually less than 50%
      • Every single promise God has made has been and will be fulfilled.
    • Commentators … opinions only
      • No commentator has ever been 100% spot on …
        • History proves that all of God's prophets were 100% correct.
    • Friends and family … limited resources.
      • The advice, love and care we receive from family and friends is greatly valued but often misdirected …
      • History proves that Jesus is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
  • So the question we ask is …
    • Are you basing your future on the uncertain promises of this world or the certain promises of God in Christ Jesus.

Going back in history…

  • David … Plm 38
    • Undoubtedly Israel's greatest king …
      • A man after God’s own heart … chosen by God.
  • But his was a life of extreme difficulty…
    • Enemies on all sides …Psm 38;11,12
      • Deceitful friends and neighbours
      • Hated by many for no reason … vs 19
  • This good guy has saved up the money to build the temple for God to dwell in …
    • But his troubles continue …
      • Where is God …
  • David prays …
    • Lord do not forsake … do not be far from me …come quickly … I will wait for you….vs 15, 21,22.
      • Goliath tried to kill the boy David
      • Saul tried numerous times to kill him …
      • The surrounding kings tried to destroy him
      • Absolom his own son tried …
        • God was the buffer between David and his foes.
    • David's prayer in Psm 38;15 says …
      • I will wait for you … you will answer
      • In 2 Sam7;1 …After years of challenges David has settled in his palace and God has given him rest from all his enemies
        • David had waited and God fulfilled his promises.
          • I have been with you wherever you have gone says God…2 Sam 7;9
        • A buffer In the darkest cave, fiercest battle, most depressing state of mind… God was always there. 
    • So David could write in Psm 23 …
      • Tho I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil …for thou art with me …
        • He is not saying there is no danger …
          • But in the danger you are with me…to enable me
          • Therefore I will not fear.  
    • The promise of God to David was an eternal kingdom …2 Sam 7
      • And 1000 years later the King of Kings and Lord of Lords was born …Jesus
        • If you follow the genealogies of Matthew and Luke you will see Jesus was born of the line of David…
          • A promise made, kept and fulfilled. 

Promises of God …

  • Please listen to me …
    • The only certainties that we have in this life are found in God's word.
      • The best and most sincere promises of men are often not fulfilled.
    • The promises of politicians are there for the sole purpose of gaining votes.
      • But the promises of God are for our benefit. 
    • Here we consider 2 of the many promises 
  • Ask anything in my name and I will do it for you … John 14;14
    • But you say I prayed …
      • For a loved one and he was not healed. 
      • For a bigger house, a much needed car etc. 
      • Safety and protection …but my son was still hijacked
    • Jesus himself said … ask anything …Jh 14;14
      • But there is a condition …
    • The condition is … In my name …
    • That means we plead not on our own merit but the merit of Christ and his work on the cross …
      • There is no merit in my name
      • But in the name, person and work of Christ, God is pleased. 
    • Mathew Henry …
      • A request in the name of Jesus shall be for our good, and suitable for our state.
        • But Christ must decide what is suitable and for our good 
        • In accordance with his will … 1 John 5;14
          • E.g. Death of Karen… Don't let me be angry with you.
      • This is not a blank cheque … nor right of claim.
        • It does not matter if it is cars, money, health or death ..
        • All too often our prayers are based on our wants not needs 
        • To often claiming promises Jesus never made.
          • Christ in his wisdom says NO.
      • Christ deals with our request in a way that is always beneficial.
        • Have I earned the right to be standing here today …
          • No … but answered prayer has been beneficial. 
    • So you can ask anything … but it is not a blank cheque
  • Second promise … I will never leave you ……Heb 13;5,
    • Prayer …Lord give me a happy new year …
      • What we really mean is take away all the difficulties
        • Give me an easy life
    • There are 2 things we need to accept …
      • Difficulties in life are the norm …
        • As the rain falls on the good and the bad, so do difficulties.
        • We will all experience difficulties of various kinds in 2023.
        • Jesus never ever promised us ease of life in this world …
          • Difficulties … yes …rejection,hatred, death …
          • Jesus said … take up your cross daily and follow me… Mth 16;24 
      • Learning through difficulties is beneficial …
        • I have learned to be content in all circumstances… Phil 4;11
      • BUT in the face of all circumstances he promises…
        • I will never leave you…Heb 13;5
        • Nobody can separate you from my love …Rom 8;38
        • I will always love you …Jer 31;3
        • I have redeemed you …You are mine…Is 43;1
          • Christ Jesus is our buffer in times of difficulty

Challenge …

  • Herein lies the entire point of this new year message …
    • You are mine …
      • How are you going to react to the challenges of 2023 …
        • In accordance with who you are …
        • He left the splendour of heaven …Knowing his destine

Was a lonely hill called Golgotha

There He laid down His life for me …

  • Why … so that he could say …
    • He is mine … I have redeemed him.
  • So how has your relationship with Christ been this past year …
    • It's been a tough year for many …
      • But maybe you have been to busy to spend time with him
        • Making your own decisions… seeking prosperity …
        • The relationship has been put on hold. 
      • Or have you grown in grace and knowledge…
        • Knowing and experiencing his presence and help.
        • Waiting for him to guide you.
  • This year according to the analysts it is going to be tough yet again.
    • But you can't stick your head in the sand
  • Where do you want to be at the end of 2023…
    • Blind from early childhood due to her doctors careless treatment
      • But Fanny Crosby wrote 8000 songs
  • Asked if she resented being blind she replied …
    • Blindness was God's gift to me. I could not have written thousands of hymns if I had been hindered by the distraction of seeing.
  • Well known titles…
    • Safe in the arms of Jesus… 
    • Blessed assurance Jesus is mine
    • All the way my Saviour leads me 
    • Jesus keep me near the cross.
      • They are all about the Lord Jesus
  • As an 8 year old she wrote …
    • How many blessings I enjoy

That other people don’t

So weep or sign because I'm blind

I cannot nor I won’t …

  • The chorus of “Some day the silver cord will break” reads
    • And I shall see Him (The Lord Jesus) face to face 

And sing the story …Saved by grace.

  • All of this radiates a life in relationship with the Lord Jesus.
  • How are you going to face the challenges that will come your way in 2023?
    • You can choose to go it alone…
      • Basing your plans on the advice of this uncertain world.
    • Or you can base your future on the unfailing promises of God…
      • Omnipotent… all powerful and able to see you through 2023
      • Omnipresent… always with you in all circumstances in 2023
      • Omniscient … knowing and permitting your circumstances.
    • Are you going to respond as David did …
      • How great you are, O Sovereign Lord.There is no one like you and there is no God but you… vs 22
      • Now O Lord please bless the house of your servant … vs 29
  • The choice is yours.