Rejoicing in Christ Jun 6, 2021 Podcast Ministries Sermons Sermons in Philippians Rejoicing in Christ Reading … Quotes from Apostle Paul * For me to live is Christ to die is gain * I count all things rubbish compared to knowing Christ * I
Rhoda, the little servant girl May 30, 2021 Podcast Ministries Sermons The Unsung Heroes of the Bible Rhoda, the little servant girl Introduction Firstly my apologies, until last week, when Dave stood up to speak, I was under the impression that we were doing a series on
The man with no name May 23, 2021 Podcast Ministries Sermons The Unsung Heroes of the Bible The man with no name Good morning to all my brothers and sisters in Jesus and any visitors we may have today. Let’s open in prayer. Heavenly Father, we
Josiah - living for an audience of one May 16, 2021 Podcast Ministries Sermons The Unsung Heroes of the Bible Josiah - living for an audience of one While leading worship two weeks ago Jason raised the idea of Worship for the audience of one. That we should only be considering God when
Jonah: A fishy tale about a gracious God May 9, 2021 Podcast Ministries Sermons Jonah: A fishy tale about a gracious God