Hey good morning everyone – I hope you are all well and thank you for being with us this morning – John 17 is the focus of our chat today.

17 chapters! We’ve come a long way! And another big step forward on our Journey through the Gospel of John. We pieced together a lot along the way – we’ve seen signs and wonders. We’ve seen Jesus teaching to his disciples – we know , if you’ve been with us in the last few weeks you’ll know where we are in the timeline – final week before the cross – the betrayal and arrest and trial are literally coming next – Chapter 18.

We’ve have 16 odd chapters of timeline, really – historical events, teaching in parables and images and lessons, where we’ve have to unpack things and draw out meanings and applications and understand middle eastern context, where they are, who they are talking too, but now, as some would say – now for something completely different.

Chapter 17 ah none of that. Chapter 17, start to finish is a prayer, and this morning we’re going to dip our toes in, we’re going to participate in some Holy Eavesdropping and take a quick look at Jesus Prayer. Many commentators regard this is Jesus Greatest prayer – yes, ooh even greater than the traditional Lords Prayer (which btw you won’t find in John).

And lets just quickly get this out the way – one of the themes jumping out at us from the last 16 chapters and greater part of this year – is Jesus Divinity – he is the son of God – not the biological son – He’s is the human representation, manifestation of God. God made flesh to walk among us – he is in perfect unity with God the Father. We’ve thought about the trinity in the past week as well with Lawrence teaching us on the Holy Spirit.

God is in three Parts, father son and Holy Spirit. But all linked and united as one.

So, does Jesus need to pray? Is he in a weird way, talking to Himself? Why ask for things if you know the future?

Oh, there’s even another thing – we will from up here usually make you feel guilty about your prayer life, because your prayer, much like mine, usually centres around asking for things – requests. Please God won’t you just…

And you might feel bad, because it seems needy and selfish – you know, you’re just talking to God now because you’re in need of something…

But how’s this – John 17, Jesus himself praying to God – guess what, FULL of requests. We’ll list them later. I thought that was interesting. What father doesn’t want to provide for his son – ask away –

But why does Jesus need to pray – probably the subject of a whole other study for some other time, but two essential reasons.

  1. In his Humanity – remember as Jesus on earth he is , somehow, fully God and Fully man. And being fully man, meant he would be weak, he would be tempted, he would tire, he would be hungry, he would suffer, eventually he would die. He therefore, just like you and me, would have been dependant on God.
  2. And the second reason is easier to understand – he prays as an example to us – he models a relationship to the Father that we should follow. HE stops what he is doing – even now, at he very end – time is critical - He prays, he prays out loud, and its recorded and written down and translated and maintained and protected for thousands of years, so that we don’t go, oh I wonder how we are supposed to pray. We have it in front of us.

Last little bit of prelude context before we dive in – just want to read the last few verses of the preceding chapter

John 16

29 Then Jesus’ disciples said, “Now you are speaking clearly and without figures of speech. 30 Now we can see that you know all things and that you do not even need to have anyone ask you questions. This makes us believe that you came from God.”

(don’t you love that – his disciples – are like finally, enough with the pictures and parables  - finally its clicking, finally you are making sense to us)

31 “Do you now believe?” Jesus replied. 32 “A time is coming and in fact has come when you will be scattered, each to your own home. You will leave me all alone. Yet I am not alone, for my Father is with me.

33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Can you sense the urgency? We’ve thought about this before – this is the last few days, hours he has with his precious disciples before He goes to the cross – He knows what is to come for himself – and he knows what is to come for his disciples.

I have overcome the world – He’ll be on a cross in a few hours – how is that overcoming the world – well He knows the victory that follows,

But back to now, the drama, the very verge of the most important events in history – here we are – The time has come – in fact Jesus starts his prayer – with something you’ve heard before on our walk through John – the Hour has come. He’s been saying it for days of course, now its really literal…

And so Jesus launches into his chapter long prayer – for the sake of time I’m not gonna read it all – although I would encourage you all to find the time and go through it.

Let me give you some of the stats instead.

1 piece of continuous prayer

26 verses long

Broken into three parts

He first prays for himself

Then he prays for his disciples

Then he prays for all believers

And as you skim through the verses you might see three themes repeating,

The first is the idea of time – this is an all spanning  prayer, referencing a time before the creation of the world, obviously looking at events that are right on their doorstep (the hour has come), but then reaching forward to a future time  - In heaven, that they would be where I am. And again, this is not the first time these ideas are mentioned in the book of John.

How did the Gospel of John begin – In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the Word was God. Jesus was there in the beginning. Our heavenly future – Ali took us through John 14 – in my fathers house in heaven, are many rooms, I’m going to prepare a place for you.

The second theme is love -

that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me

Jesus love for his disciples, Gods love for Jesus, Gods love for all believers – love is all around us

And the third theme, this undeniable biggest and maybe hardest to wrap our heads around – is the idea of Glory.

Glorify me, asks Jesus. So that I may Glorify You. What does it mean to Glorify, to make Glorious.

What even is Glory – is it fame? There are a lot of famous people in the world who are not worthy of Glorification, I can promise you that.

Who are the most famous celebrities you can think of? Hollywood stars, Sports Heroes  - they are very well known, are they good? Are they worthy of honour?

My kids will tell me about the most famous internet influencers  - and they will say, ah but Mr Beast, he does a lot of good  - and he has, never mind 12 disciples, he has millions of followers – and that’s great, I am happy for him., I really am, but that is nothing compared to the reach, the command, the influence, the achiev3ments of a Holy God.

He alone is worthy of Glory

Because Glory is - high renown or honour won by notable achievements:


magnificence or great beauty:


a thing that is beautiful, impressive, or worthy of praise:


the splendour and bliss of heaven:

And humans, just don’t compare – that’s probably why we have a hard time grasping the concept.

Lets phrase it differently. We cannot say that Jesus mission here on earth was just to make God FAMOUS.  It was so much more than that. It was to show people who God IS. To reveal his nature. To tell people about Him? His Character, his attributes, his heart, his desire for men. His beauty and majesty in creation…. And his great love for mankind – ultimately, shown in the lengths that would be gone to to ransom and save and restore fallen mankind to himself.

So it makes sense, here in quote unquote the greatest prayer of all time, we would start on the Glory of God.

17 After Jesus said this, he looked toward heaven and prayed:

“Father, the hour has come. Glorify your Son, that your Son may glorify you. For you granted him authority over all people that he might give eternal life to all those you have given him. Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. I have brought you glory on earth by finishing the work you gave me to do. And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began.

SO if Glory – back to our definition is honour or renown won by notable achievements – does the definition work here? Absolutely. The most important achievement ever witness on earth is about to take place.

This is how Christ is to be glorified. Even more that so many years of teaching, of witness, even greater than the signs and wonders, backed up by authenticating supernatural power. Even more than the miracles and the healings – Christ going to the cross, and taking on the sins of mankind, is the ultimate Glorification – it is the ultimate sacrifice – it is the ultimate expression of power and of love, given to an undeserving people  - it is the MOST notable achievement in history, worthy or the highest possible praise, the highest possible weight and magnificence and depth and meaning and profound wonder – it is the most Glorious act. It is the pinnacle of what Christ was here to do on earth. While it is not the end of the story, it is the climax of the story. If the whole of the bible, if the whole of history had to relate to one point in, earthly, human real, lived time – it would be this moment.

Father Glorify me. Let people understand that I am more than just a Carpenters Son, a Rabbi with some great teachings. Let this horrible, notorious , cruel act, be used to reveal who I am, and in doing so, reveal to all, who YOU ARE.

Jesus gives his all – his time, his care, his attention, his life, ultimately, to lift us the Glory of God. Remember John 20:

But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.

So if you glanced over this prayer and thought initially, Jesus is prayed for his own Glory – how selfish is that? He just wants to be the main man? You could not have been more wrong.

He is talking about the mission – the reason he was sent. And that is very much for us.

The rest of the items on the prayer list, as it were, looks towards believers.

He asks that the disciples would be kept safe – we’ve thought before about what awaits the disciples. Even now in the verses I read leading up to this chapter you had mentioned of them being scattered. They would go on to face incredible trial and persecution as they spread this faith – as they travel, and they follow the great commission that Jesus will give to them.

He has been with them until now, protecting them, but he knows he will be leaving – protect them from the evil one. Satan is a liar and will be attacking Jesus followers – offering them fake alternatives to the faith they have received from Jesus. Lord protect them. Protect them from attack, protect them from falling away, protect them from being distracted from their mission. Keep them safe in the care of the flock – keep them in community, even as they become isolated , and scattered and sent away. He knows the world will hate his message.

He asks that they would be sanctified. Sanctification refers the process of becoming Holy. It’s the idea of being special, set apart for God uses as God intends. Something is sanctified when it is used for its intended purpose. My lovely guitar over there shouldn’t be used as a cricket bat. A gift has been given to you, use it! This disciples have been purposely chosen and taught and well, discipled for work in the Kingdom of God – Jesus prays that they would be set apart for that work.

He knows they are still in the world – He knows they are not matured people of faith yet – but the encouragements is to move along in that direction. And not to fall back.

To be in the world but not of the world – you’ve heard that phrase before – comes from this chapter.. Yes, living in society, not physically remote and excluded, but witnessing to people, sharing this gospel message showing Gods love, but Spiritually committed and reserved for Gods use.

You see how after that Jesus even mentions how this should happen:

Sanctify them by the Truth, and your word is truth. Its so important that they know the truth, that they remember what has been taught to them first hand – that they find an anchor in the truth in a world that will disregard what they have to share, that will tell them that it’s a lie, just a fairytale. False hope, a crutch.

You’ve heard it all , haven’t you people are so quick to say, even if they so graciously tolerate your faith, I mean how kind of them, they will say, ah, but that’s your truth not mine. Church there is objective truth – it comes from the lips of Jesus and through His word. And it is an anchor to our soul and a foundation for our lives. Lets not get washed away with the latest greatest thing that humans can dream up . We are not of this world.

‘Ok we’re getting there – He prays to make his disciples one:

My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, 21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. 22 I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one— 23 I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me

Bit of a strange thing to pray for ? Why would Jesus be asking for unity? He also mentioned unity when he was asking for protection  - and that we can understand – a body of believers is stronger when it stands together – it has enough outside danger and risk and threat, it really doesn’t need to be introducing factions and arguments and disunity within – and so you will have the Apostle Paul talking about living in harmony with one another. We are stronger together.

Verse 23 however seems to give another reason – they may be brought to complete unity – then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them.

When we are truly, united in Christ – it is a clear testimony or pointing to God. We don’t just seek unity for the sake of Unity. We don’t just try to get along because we don’t like fighting and keeping the peace is just easier.

It is Jesus that brings us together – he is the reason we are here this morning in this room. He is the reason we unite – it is under his Glorious name that we identify.

And when we realise, that despite our massive differences, our backgrounds, our own levels of faith and Gospel understanding, what really matters is that the same love that God has shown to me, He has shown to you – and we can collectively – join together and celebrate – because what we have in common, in Him, is so much greater that what separates us.

Every tribe, every tongue, every nation bowing down in worship before the Lamb. I read that last week during worship, had no idea it would fit in so well now this morning.

Bind us together Lord – because when we are united, we all point to Him with one voice.

And then Jesus wraps up -

24 “Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world.

25 “Righteous Father, though the world does not know you, I know you, and they know that you have sent me. 26 I have made you[e] known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them.”

So what does Jesus want for his followers – what does he want for you?

TO be with him In heaven

TO see His Glory – This is the Glory that God has Given the son – to do what – to teach, to guide, to show the way – deeper – to be the way – to go to the cross and to…

TO save. Knowing about Jesus is not enough – he’s the most famous person ever to walk the planet – everybody knows about Him. Push deeper. Know – Him – accept what HE offers  talk to Him, understand his mission – trust him with your future, that you might also – Be with Him one day. That, in a sense, you might be with him today.

You turn the page there and you see things getting super hectic – Garden of Gethsemane – The betrayal His denials - His trial before Pilate, we’re right there.

The hour has come.

This is what this story is about – this is what John is about, this is what the whole book is about – this is what our faith is about

This is what Jesus wants for his followers.

We’ve had a chance this morning to really get inside the words, the heart, the desires of Christ. No parables, no funny teachings, no signs and wonders  - just making it plain for us.

As Jesus closes his prayer to God – we take these words to our hearts as we close:

I have made you[e] known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them.”

Brothers, sisters, lets make Him known. Not hiding our faith in secret, hiding our lights under cover. Why are we making other people famous? Why are we following earthly wisdom? Why are we modelling our behaviours on the people around us? When a celebrity tells us who to vote for? When a sportsman tell us how to raise our kids? OR an internet influencer tells us how how to spend our money. Bit strange hey.

I suppose it’s a bit like an engineer trying to tell us about Jesus. We look past these nobodies – and we look to the greatest somebody who ever walked on earth. And we give HIM Glory.

Lets make him known.

You can say amen to that?