- Last week we spoke about the equal certainty of …
- God's love and his wrath .
- The reality of his promises and judgement.
- We mentioned 5 ways his wrath is revealed …
- Three of which we are currently experiencing …
- Eternal wrath
- Escatalogical Wrath
- Calamity wrath
- Consequential wrath …
- Abandonment wrath …
- My point is that …
- The wrath of God is as much a reality in life as is the love of God
- This is a truth that is disputed in the world and many churches today.
- The Gospel is the power of God unto Salvation…
- And salvation is essential as the wrath of God is being revealed … Rom1:18
- Until we acknowledge the truth of the wrath of God we will not recognise the need of salvation …
The world we live in
- We live in a world that has rejected God's gracious free gift of salvation …
- We are surrounded by many philosophies and religious beliefs …
- In total about 4200
- Each one having narratives, symbols, sacred histories that they claim give meaning to life …
- Explaining the origins of life and the universe.
- They devise morality, ethics, and religious laws and preferred lifestyles.
- All from their ideas about the cosmos and human nature.
- They worship the sun, moon, heavens, rain, snakes, cows, birds, bugs and beetles.
- There are Gods of war, gods of fertility, love, prosperity
- Ancestral worship and mysticism …
- Even the unknown god just in case.
- Until Darwin (Died 1882) arrived on the scene most people believed in a God or gods who were the creators of all things.
- Darwin's theories changed that and now many are godless, atheistic or agnostic.
- And today we can add to that list of religions…
- Science, intellect, business, nationalism, naturalism.
- People will believe in almost anything no matter how ridiculous it may seem.
- Anthropological research reveals that within each society and culture there is this inexplicable desire to worship.
- For those who deny the existence of the Sovereign Eternal God of creation this is a massive problem.
- Liberal philosophers, like Richard Dawkins, claim that this is a byproduct of ignorance that is slowly disappearing as we grow up in the evolutionary process.
- In other words the more sophisticated society becomes the less superstitious and religious we are.
- Belief in a monotheistic creator of all things is, according to them, ignorant and idiotic.
- In the 1940’s John von Neuman worked on creating the ultimate machine
- A machine that would be able to sustain itself, I.D. and repair any problems and self replicate itself.
- That is crazy … impossible.
- But the truth is, that is what each and every cell in your body does…
- Our immune system is a miracle of creation.
- Dawkins says
- There is no creator, because who created the creator.
- He says natural selection is easier to believe than a complex designer.
- But even natural selection had to have a beginning.
- How does nothing become everything?
- This is the world that we live in and the outright rejection of a creator God of the universe is a symptom of the depraved mind … Rom 1:28
Is God just in his wrath
- What does God say in his word …
- Many do not have access to the Bible.
- Revelation …vs 19
- You do not need to read the bible to know God is the creator …vs 19
- For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made… vs 20
- Creations complexity demands a designer not random chance.
- God set eternity in the heart of man… Eccl 3:11
- The gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature the things of the law… they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts … Rom 2:14-15
- Their conscience also bearing witness. Rom 2:15
- This answers the question as to why studies of anthropology find traces of god worship in one form or another in every society studied.…
- We are made in the image of our creator …
- We have eternity written in our DNA.
- As we see creation in all its complexity we must conclude that there is a designer ,,,
- It can’t possibly be random chance… by natural selection.
- So man is without excuse …And God is just…20
- Particularly those of us who have access to God's revelation … the Bible …
- We know of the existence of God and our accountability.
Suppression of truth vs 18
- Notice that the great godless act that leads to unrighteousness is suppression of the truth …
- Suppress… Katecho…
- Means to hold down or squash …
- Present tense … continually, actively, willfully, restraining, withholding truth.
- Notice that suppression demands a continuous act …a tough job.
- Continually, actively …
- And this war takes place within the person who rejects God's clear revelation.
- And that is why these people are so aggressive in their defense of the lies.
- The old conscience keeps popping up and getting in the way.
- The gospel is by free choice …
- The woke movement, women's liberation, atheists all demand, all fight for compliance.
- Freedom of speech is not tolerated.
- They will defend their stand with violence.
- They know God exists …because it is written in their hearts …
- But they refuse to acknowledge his authority in their lives …
- So they suppress the truth …
- He does not exist …
- Evolution … natural selection.
- Where did God come from
- There is no eternal punishment.
- And so the lies are presented as truth.
- Suppression of the truth is the great sin …vs 18
- It is nothing new …
- Jesus miracles … by Beelzebub say the Pharisees … Math 12:24
- The empty tomb …Soldiers bribed by chief priests … Math 28:1-14
- Peter & John heal the cripple …Sanhedrin can't deny but lie.. Acts 4
- And today we are still being exposed to suppression of the truth.
- Last week we mentioned the law of life that God put in place …
- A man will sow what he reaps.
- It is all about consequences …
Consequences of Rejection vs 21
- Although they knew God they neither glorified him as God or gave thanks to him
- Consequences …
- They claim to be wise but they became fools…
- Their thinking became futile … hearts were darkened …
- Man is not progressing upward in the chain of life …Dawkins
- But plummeting downwards… foolish hearts…
- Their thinking is so warped they don’t recognise it
- For the godless …
- Life is random and meaningless … no purpose
- Truth becomes relative … What is truth… Pilate. John 18:38
- Life is lived for self … Me first , greed, selfish ambition.
- And unrighteousness becomes the norm… vs 18
- God calls them fools… Moraino
- From which our English word moron comes.
- They are now judged to be Godless…vs 18
- They do not recognise him as the immortal God of creation …
- Herein is their problem …
- That God awareness is still there and needs to be suppressed …
- So they create their own gods…
- Worship men … like Caesar
- Birds … like eagles …
- Animals … Whales to ants.
- They exchange the immortal living God for dead images…
- That is how futile and dark their thinking is.
- One of the brightest minds of the Age of Enlightenment was Voltaire…
- The age of reason or enlightenment lasted from 1685-1815
- He believed in Reason, Individualism and Skepticism.
- He referred to Jesus as … cursed wretch
- He claimed that the bible and Christianity would be forgotten within 50 years
- He said … I will show you how one Frenchman can destroy it within 50 years
- In 20 years Christianity will be no more.
- My single hand will destroy the edifice it took 12 Apostles to rear.
- He died in 1788 a broken lonely man …
- Within 20 years the Geneva Bible Society bought his house for the purpose of printing Bibles and Christian literature.
- It became the Paris H/Q for the British and Foreign Bible Society.
- The Bible remains the world best seller and all of Votaire’s 6 volumes were once sold for 90C
God’s Reaction to rejection … Abandonment
- How does God react to rejection …
- He abandons them (Gave them over) and allows them to go their own way.
- As we trace the history of Israel we see that this is true of all people and groups who suppress the truth about God.
- And it leads to suffering.
- Samson was such a man …
- He knew where his strength lay but he broke God's commands continuously…
- The Scripture tells us that God departed from him… Jude 16:20
- Israel was sold( abandoned) into the hands of the Philistines … Judges 10:7
- Israel would not listen to me so I gave them over to their stubborn hearts … Psalm 81:11-12
- King Saul was another one who God abandoned… 1 Sam 15:23-26,35
- Pleads forgiveness but God abandoned him… for David
- Nations permitted to go their own way … Acts 14:16
- Because of their rejection of God and the suppression of his truth the scripture says …
- God gave them over …abandoned them…which leads to suffering
- The same word abandoned is used here… vs 24, 26, 29
- “Gave them over” … is a judicial term …Paradidomi
- He abandoned them to the judicial process …
- Handed them over to another authority… and enslavement.
- We appear before the judge who must rule in the matter before him.
- Having been found guilty the courts abandon (Hand over)the guilty to the correctional authorities to carry out the sentence.
- God abandons us to run our lives in the darkness of the flesh. …
- His hand of restraint is withdrawn altogether…
- As is his protection and blessing.
- He hands men over to another power (Power of darkness) for the sentence to be served.
Consequences of Abandonment…24-32 …Paradidomi
- Consequences … step 1 …vs 24
- They exchange the truth of God for a lie …
- They abandon God and his word …therefore consequences …
- God abandoned men (Hands over ) to …vs 24
- Sinful desires of their hearts …
- Sexual impurity
- Degrading of the body.
- In the 1960’s there was a massive sexual revolution… free love.
- The hippies, flower people, Woodstock festival …
- It was a revolution without restraint.
- We abandoned God's truth … And became Godless… vs 18
- Sex is sacred within marriage …a privilege …truth
- Truth was exchanged for a lie …
- Free sex without consequences is a lie.
- Degrading …
- To be disgraced, to bring reproach and shame upon.
- This is not the intimacy that God intended in marriage.
- It is all unrestrained lust of the flesh…. And degrading.
- Lust followed by impurity, dishonour.
- In sensuality… man worships and serves himself.
- Consequences … 2nd step …vs 26 …
- Then the next downward step in the abandonment
- Handed over to shameful lusts …Enslave therein.
- The shamefulness lies in the fact of abandoning the natural process of sound relationships.
- Natural relations are man and woman …Husband and wife …truth
- Purpose is …
- The woman is made for her husband
- And to have and mother children
- All women long for a good husband.
- Men are there to provide for and to protect …
- But in this darkness of sin this is all thrown out of the window.
- Women with women & men with men…. it's all wrong …
- And they blame God …
- It’s the way I am made… I’m not to blame.
- Follow the language … and adhere to the truth …
- Shameful, unnatural, inflamed with lust, indecent acts, perversion …
- Then they attempt to change the meaning of the text so that their sin will be acceptable in God's sight.
- But he has abandoned them .
- Consequences …3rd step … vs 28–32
- Given over to depraved minds …vs 28
- Filled with every kind of wickedness (Unrighteousness) … vs 29
- Although they know God’s righteousness … 32
- Depraved … Adikimenos …
- It has no worth, it is non-functional…
- Ability to reason, to think clearly, apply logic…
- It is all twisted.
- Hence the twisted thinking relative to genderism
- E.g. Pronouns …Him, her, They X32
- They know God’s righteous decree …
- Know … Epiginosko…
- To know fully with certainty
- Having a knowledge of God’s instruction with regard to right and wrong.
- They continue to do that which they know is wrong. …
- And in approving the evil that is done they continue to suppress the truth.
- Truth of scripture is so important
- God's way ensures blessing