

Matthew 24:4,12-13,40-42,44


  • At 11:59 on 31/12/2020 we all sighed a sigh of relief and said, “Thank goodness that is over”
    • The truth is for most of us 2020 was a tough year.
    • In some way or another, to a lesser or great extent, we all have stories to tell.
    • Corona virus was the cause of…
      • Health problems
      • Financial problems
      • Social problems
    • We are all a little more concerned about 2021 than we were about 2020, are we not.
  • The world we live in has felt the impact…
    • Politically, financially, medically, geographically, socially, and spiritually.
    • Many of the opportunities, hopes, and plans somehow seem to have come to nothing.
    • So the question I am asking you is…
      • What are you expecting, hoping for, in 2021.

Global warming or the big freeze…

  • We are told global warming resulted in a lot of flooding around the world…
    • 3 Gorges dam … 400 million at risk
    • Bangladesh … 8 million flee homes
    • Nepal/N India … 3 million displaced
    • Wales … North Atlantic cyclone the 2nd worst in 150 years
  • Global warming resulted in massive fires…
    • Mississippi Tennessee … Extinguished by flooding
    • New South Wales/Queensland …extinguished by flooding
    • South America …
      • Bolivia, Peru, Argentina, Brazil the worst on record.
    • Siberia … 1,37 million hectares destroyed.
  • Problem…
    • The problem with the global warming theory is that the sun has gone quiet…
      • No sunspots which impact our weather and earthquakes are being observed…
      • Activity dropped by 77% in 2019 and 76% in the first six months of 2020…
      • Predictions coming out from this is that we can expect a massive freeze similar to…
        • Dalton minimum of 1790-1830
        • Maunder minimum of 1645-1715
          • Both of these resulted in a massive crop failures that led to starvation…
        • This all reported by NASA and Space, but not in the general media.
    • Earthquakes and volcanic activity also increased…
      • Currently we have 26 active volcanoes with 13 showing increased activity.
      • Iceland has had 13,000 recorded quakes during 2020…
        • There is a fear that the island may even split.
  • What can we expect in 2021…
    • I have no idea… but it seems to me the experts don’t know either.
      • I do know corona virus is not going away any time soon…
        • There is even talk of 3rd and 4th waves…
      • Global warming or big freeze… who knows.
    • What I do know is that…
      • The return of the Lord Jesus for his church is closer today than it was this time last year.
      • In the language of Paul to the Romans creation is groaning, and so are we as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies… Romans 8:22-23


  • I am sure you will agree that the U.S. is rapidly losing ground in terms of its global influence…
    • The chaos caused by the election of a new president and the riots organized by the B.L.M. were celebrated by Russia, China, Iran and Turkey…
  • Chairman of the American chapter of B.L.M. says…
    • We are training armed peace officers to patrol our black communities.
    • Hawk Newsome wants a highly trained military arm to challenge law enforcement.
    • He refuses to call for a stop to the violence and looting of shops.
    • They are basing their actions on the Black Panther Party and the Nation of Islam movement.
  • The website of B.L.M. in the U.K. reads as follows…
    • Our objective is to dismantle imperialism, capitalism and state structures.
      • O.W destroy the British way of life.
    • Our objective is to attack and dethrone God.
    • Our objective is to close down all prisons and places of detention.
  • Consequences are very apparent in Paris where these self-rule areas exist…
    • They have 750 “Sensitive urban zones”
      • There, Islamic radicals and criminal gangs rule…
      • Police have to a large degree abandoned these areas.
        • Therein you live and die by the sword.
    • Seattle, New York, and Minneapolis have, under Democratic mayors, started defunding police and notice a dramatic increase in violence and gun crimes
  • Where are we going on this…
    • Dr Andy Woods in a posting on YouTube, refers to a prosperous U.S as the last obstacle standing in the way of a new world order.
    • It is interesting to note that in the end time prophecy many countries as we know them are mentioned…
      • Kings of the north, south and east, but nothing of the west.
      • The one that is missing is the U.S.
      • Small wonder Russia, Iran, and Turkey are celebrating the chaos in the U.S.A.


  • Where does the church stand in all of this chaos…
    • Trump standing outside of St Johns church that was burned by the B.L.M. movement held up his bible and said…
      • The only answer to this problem is God…
    • The response from the media and church was massive ranging from…
      • “Don’t use God as a prop” to “blasphemy”
  • In Norway there is an arm of government that is called Barnevernet….
    • Their duty is, amongst other things, to remove children from homes where they are “indoctrinated in Christianity”…
      • They are then placed in foster homes.
  • The House of Bishops of the Church of England issued a pastoral statement which said that sex belongs only within heterosexual marriage…
    • The Archbishops of Canterbury and York then apologized for the statement.
    • Stephen Cottrell (AB of York) says the biblical teaching on sexuality should come second to the 21st century Western culture.
    • Even J.K. Rowling of Harry Potter fame was caned for saying there are biological differences between men and women.
      • They regard this as hate speech.
  • Jayne Ozanne, leading campaigner for LGBT inclusivity, wants the church to remove verses that refer to homosexual practice as sinful from the bible. Leviticus 18:22, Romans 1:14-27, Genesis 1:27


  • I could go on dealing with the other topics in this regard, but I think I have given you enough to think about…
    • And the details are not encouraging, are they.
  • So let me summarize it this way for you…
    • All of these items I mentioned are included in the signs of the last days… Matthew 24 and Revelation 8 and elsewhere in Scripture.
      • We can therefore expect them to increase rather than decrease.
        • The chaos will continue…
      • Being an outspoken Christian is only going to get more difficult in 2021.
        • Ask our chief of justice Mogoeng Mogoeng …
          • They want him removed from office because he says he loves Israel and they claim by implication therefore hates the Palestinians.
          • He has made it abundantly clear that because he is a committed follower of the Lord Jesus, he loves all mankind.
          • And he refuses to apologise for his belief in Jesus as Lord.
    • Am I saying that Jesus will return in 2021…
      • NO… I don’t know when and nor do you… But it is getting closer.
      • To claim Jesus will return for his church does not make sense to non-believers, but to us it is the great hope.
    • Jesus is coming again… and soon.
      • The greatest end time prophecy… Matthew 24:14
        • This gospel will be preached in the whole world… then the end will come.

Jesus teaching…

  • So what must we do in the interim…
    • Jesus speaking on the matter in Matthew 24 makes four comments…
      • Watch out, don’t be alarmed, stand firm, be ready.
  • Watch out…
    • Watch out for the false claims and teaching.
      • Apostasy and Gnosticism are a frequent theme throughout the epistles.
      • And it is very prevalent today… particularly in Africa. Amongst the poor….
      • The New Apostolic Reformation claims…
        • That their new super apostles enjoy greater status than the original eleven…
        • That they can perform greater deeds…
    • Sound doctrine is essential…
      • If you do not have sound doctrine you can be easily deceived.
    • These things must be… they are part of God’s plan.
      • The wars will continue… and we could be affected…
      • But when things are difficult, remember our redemption is nearer today than yesterday
      • And even though I walk through the valley of death… He will never leave me… so I will not be afraid… Hebrews 13:5-6
        • The prayer warriors of Medway have surely seen that in 2020.
          • Prayers have been answered…
          • Many stories of God’s intervention and comfort are told.
  • Stand firm… vs13
    • The wickedness of this world is going to increase even further…
      • There are many practices today that the world does not see as sin.
        • But God does.
        • And we are called upon to make a stand against them.
      • They will call you a prude, holy Joe, brain dead… all designed to shame you into performing the shameful acts they do.
        • The temptation to compromise will be right there.
        • But we must stand firm.
    • Listen to Mogoeng Mogoeng
      • On the issue of compromise, he quoted Esther…
        • If I perish, I perish, but I will not compromise on justice…
      • Is this not exactly what we need to lead our country in these compromised times…
        • But in the language of Jesus… You will be handed over to be persecuted… And you will be hated because of me… Matthew 24:9
        • And the people who are taking him to the Judicial Council do surely hate him.
    • Persecution is on the increase…
      • We know about it in the east, and middle east…
        • But it is on the increase in the western bible-believing world also.
      • In Britain “Gender fluid” is being regarded as the new religion…
        • Because its followers are on a crusade to change society…
      • They believe that trans gendering is righteous.
        • Anyone who takes a stand contrary to this needs to be prosecuted.
        • Under the guise of hate speech they proceed with prosecution.
          • In many countries they have been successful
          • g. Israel Folau…
            • Rugby Australia paid a large sum to placate these people
            • But where were all the other players that look heavenward each time they score a try.
  • Keep watch… vs 42-44
    • Keep watch because you do not know when he is coming…
      • In my lifetime preaching on the second coming of Christ has changed from frequent to almost non-existent.
      • Much of that preaching was done at the Sunday night Gospel service.
        • But frequently remembered during the worship times on Sunday mornings.
      • There were many old hymns that we used to sing where the theme was the second coming.
        • But all of that is in the past and as my favourite grampa song says…
          • Grampa things are really changing fast… they call it progress… but I just don’t know.
    • Well, one thing I do know… Jesus is at the door…
      • And His instruction was… watch and be ready.
  • Be ready…
    • In chapter 25 Jesus speaks of the foolish and the wise virgins…
    • The wise prepare themselves for all eventualities…
      • Namely extra oil for the delay.
    • The foolish make no such preparation.
      • But when they see the bridegroom, they then rush around trying to get ready…
        • But it is too late and the door of opportunity is closed.
      • Earlier Jesus told of two in the field one taken and one left behind – v40
  • Being ready in these verses speaks of two situations…
    • Believers being ready…
      • Being aware of what is happening in the world around us…
      • Taking care of God’s house in every way… v46
        • It will be good for him.
    • Unbelievers…
      • It will not be good for them… Matthew 25:11-13
        • There is a coming day when the door of salvation will be closed.
        • Today is the day of salvation… opportunity still knocks.
      • What will you do with Jesus?

So what can we expect from 2021…

  • The same as 2020 and possibly worse…
    • Corona virus to 2, 3 and 4th wave
    • Wars and rumours of wars…
    • Persecution and more
    • Spiritual decline
    • Geographical disturbances
    • Moves towards Globalism… Economic reset… one world government.
  • But Jesus says…
    • Fear not… these things must be… I am coming again… be ready…
      • I will never leave you… do not be afraid.